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Institutional Policies

Quality Policy:

To strengthen a service-based culture with a proactive and cautionary focus, continuously stride for better quality and manage the creation and nurturing of innovation and creation of value supported by the leadership and team work to achieve the desired and differentiated quality offer.

Comparative Referencing Policy:

To identify and distinguish the different factors that contribute to the success in the inter-institutional sphere, sharing personal experiences and cognitive aspects with each other, which helps accomplish high levels of performance.

Human Talent Management Policy:

To identify the needs of competitiveness and well-being of our Human Talent, in order to satisfy their desires through the implementation of training programs, instruction plans and professional development. This aims to achieve higher quality of offered service, a higher sense of belonging, extra motivation and better human morals in order to guarantee a complete service that is in line with human dignity and everyone’s satisfaction.

Occupational Health Policy:

To offer workspaces that are clean, safe and that minimize and control the risk factors involved in the diverse processes, which could potentially negatively impact the health or performance of our workers and users. That will be done following the legal and institutional directives in place, aiming at securing an environment of continuous progress, elevating levels of industrial safety and employee welfare.

Clinic Safety Policy:

Institutional agreement that ensures a total control of risks during treatment, for both the patient and his or her family (or guardian) in order to: Minimize risks and prevent the occurrence of adverse effects or events.
We commit ourselves with Clinic’s Safety, by:

  • Structuring a coherent plan with strategic guidance in which users collaborate with the institution by taking action to prevent, promote, actively seek, identify and voluntarily report conditions and events that pose a risk to the treatments, patients, family members or guardians.
  • Application of systemic and periodic processes of training, information briefs and feedback about the behavior and management of adverse events, along with their correct definition and identification of “sentinel events”.
  • Permanent integration efforts of activities related to the design, implementation, adjustment, continuous improvement of the methodologies, plans and projects on an intra and extra institutional level. Permanent commitments that seeks to prevent and/or diminish the probability of occurrence and the severity of adverse events.

Information Management Policy:

To administer and support data integration and administrative information, handling information since it is identified, captured and processed to where it is communicated and handed out. Help to create a process that satisfies the information needs and relations of different end users throughout the organization through the support of a capable and interdisciplinary team. Said team will vow to standardize, integrate, consolidate, analyze and communicate the information when it is needed. Said task will be done safely, confidentially, coherently, precisely, accessibly and in its entirety for the different levels of management and decision-making positions, according to the strategic guidelines of the "la Clínica El Rosario".

Physical Space Policy:

To manage and support the organization through actions related to maintaining the safety of the infrastructure, as well as the biomedical, industrial and infrastructural equipment and medical supplies and devices. This is grounded in the current norms and ensures that the assistance and support processes are carried out correctly, both in normal situations and in emergencies.

Responsible Growth Policy:

To offer integral and highly complex health services in a sustainable and equal environment and for broad human development, that allows the clinic, its workers, and the community in general, to grow economically, develop socially, and be at peace with its environment. This goal is reached by abiding by the current norms and defending ethical principles and values that generate confidence and allows us to seek the results that have been previously agreed upon by the social groups involved.

Hiring Policy:

To develop a hiring process that is in tune with the greater proposals of the clinic, that stablishes a relationship that is based in equality, respect, and mutual benefits. Said process will be represented in fair contracts that are clear and impartial in a way that they can regulate both parties’ actions. This will be accompanied by a constant stream of feedback where qualitative elements will be rewarded over financial ones, allowing a fluent relationship between the parties.

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