Oncological Unit

  • Comprehensive, gentle, safe and timely care.

  • Comprehensive companionship to the patient and family members.

  • Best technology available countrywide that secures fast and reliable treatments.

  • Modern and comfortable facilities.


Clinical oncology (Specialized consults)

We offer a Hematology and Oncology clinic which main strength lies in finding the best solutions for patients that are dealing with cancer. Those solutions are comprised of diagnostics, treatment, follow up and support groups, so that the patient can put up a successful fight against their tumoral disease. The excellent care brought by the Hematology and Oncology clinic is always going to be our main concern and source of pride, noting that everyone plays a part in these kinds of struggles.


The term “chemotherapy” refers to the use of drugs to treat cancer. Cancer is a disease that causes the cells of the human body to grow uncontrollably. These cancerous cells divide themselves at an exceedingly accelerated pace. The objective of chemotherapy is to efficiently inhibit the way that cells divide to stop the cancer’s dissemination, and in some cases, it is even effective at completely curing the disease, because the treatment aids the body in removing these types of cancerous cells.


La Clínica el Rosario has acquired the latest available radiotherapy technology to deal with cancer. Thanks to a new, last-generation Linear Accelerator (ARTISTE), it is capable of using treatment techniques that are globally showing improvements in their fight against cancer. Those techniques are: Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), Guided Image Radiotherapy (IGRT) and Adaptive radiotherapy (ART). The last 2 mentioned technologies help position La Clínica el Rosario as a pioneer in those types of procedures in Colombia. In the process of dealing with cancer, radiotherapist oncologists actively try to cure their patients without deteriorating their quality of life by the adverse effects of radiation. These fundamental goals are what fueled the advent of these types of treatments as alternatives, which are already showing promising results, even compared to conventional radiotherapy.

Pain Relief and Palliative Care

The Pain Relief and Palliative Care service is a fundamental part of the comprehensive care that La Clínica El Rosario provides through its oncology department. Although we can all relate to feeling pain, we don’t always know what is meant by Palliative Care. We could summarize it by saying that it encompasses all the medical action taken to improve the patient’s quality of life through controlling the symptoms that incurable or advanced diseases cause on people. We try to deliver to the patient a painless death that respects their dignity. We do not accelerate the process of dying (euthanasia), nor do we postpone it, we help the patient die naturally in his or her terms (also known as orthotanasia). The department is composed of an interdisciplinary team of specialists in the areas of Pain Relief, Palliative Care, phycology and social work. We take pride in the values, charm, and support that we receive from the pastoral service of La Clínica El Rosario.

We also offer this service to patients that experience this type of pain, even if it doesn’t come from an oncological cause, e.g. lumbar and cervix pain, chronic neuropathic pains and arthrosis related pain, among others. We tackle pain relief by administering pharmacological measures, nerve blockers, radiofrequency techniques and nerve system modulation, without forgetting about plain human contact and kindness.


Surgery is another fundamental pillar of cancer treatment. We possess a first-class group of specialists in the different surgical areas that reassure our users that their treatment is going to be carried out with the comprehensive care and diligence that characterizes us.

Support services for oncological patients

Our oncological department also receives the support of areas such as: Nutrition, Psychology, Social Work and Physical and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, not to mention the spiritual support provided to the patients and their families through the Pastoral Support represented by La Comunidad de las Hermanas and the priests.


La Clínica El Rosario Oncological Department:

Both locations – Service hours: from 7 AM to 5 PM Monday through Fridays.

To ask for an appointment, call: 3269200

You can contact with specific services at:

  • Chemotherapy in TESORO Center
    Telephone Number: 3269100 ext. 5770
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Pain Relief and Palliative Care
    Telephone Number: 3269100, ext. 5770.
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Radioterapia
    Telephone Number: 3269100 Ext: 5100, 5103
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Chemotherapy in Downtown’s Center
    Telephone Number: 2959000 Ext: 9620, 9621
    Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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