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Purchases Department

The Purchases Department permanently guarantees that all of our clinic’s requirements regarding the selection, purchase and evaluation of supplies are being met. Those supplies include medicine, medical devices, food, equipment and spares parts. They also make sure that the ordered supplies arrive to their destination in a timely manner and according to what was stablish with suppliers, so that our service can be executed completely and effectively.


  • Cataloguing and compiling requirements
  • Order list revision and supplier selection
  • Purchase process
  • Technical and administrative reception
  • Evaluation and supplier feedback

Areas that are involved in the process:

  • Maintenance and engineering
  • Farmacy (including marketing department)
  • Nutrition and diets
  • Surgery

Information for suppliers:

In this section, you will find a list of our prerequisites for participating in the bidding process that our clinic sets up in order to negotiate our purchases of medicine and medical devices, as of 2019.

You will have to have in mind the following:

• Read the instructions of the current bidding process in the file titled “Convocatoria proveedores Clínica El Rosario 2019”. There you will find attached all the relevant documents that explain the requirements that your offers have to meet in order to be considered valid, along with the expected timeframes and other relevant information.

• Fill every relevant Excel form and spreadsheet available in this site. It is important that you follow our instruction in their completion and don’t alter our standardized formats and measurement units.

For more information, you can contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Call for Suppliers 2019

Agreement Confidentiality Contractors

Privacy Notice Contractor Suppliers

Declaration origin destination funds

Vinculación actualización

Registration of Suppliers

List of Medicines and Devices

Added values

Sebastian Lemos Valencia Coord. de Compras
Sebastián Lemos Valencia
Purchases Coordinator
Telephone: (4) 2959000 
Extension: 9032
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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