Joint replacements programs

Aligned with our organization’s mission, La Clínica El Rosario, through its joint replacement program (hip, knee, ankle, shoulder and elbow), aims at improving the quality of life of our users and get them back to health through a healthcare service that is comprehensive, kind, safe and apart from others. It relies on high quality human resources and dedicated management that guarantees a concrete benefit to the community, as it sustains itself financially through time.

Joint replacement or joint prosthesis involves a surgery were a particular human joint that has deteriorated or fractured is replaced by an artificial one that is made of metal and plastic. This replacement largely benefits its recipient because it alleviates the pain caused by that joint and allows it to properly function again. This kind of operation doesn’t manifest itself externally (apart from leaving a small scar).

Joint replacement is a surgery with very high success rates, but it is instrumental to that success that the patient carefully follows instructions and try to avoid certain postures, movements or activities that put the procedure in risk of failing. The final results depend on a lot of factors, and patient behavior in the post-op process is one of the most important ones.


1. Personal:External consultation - Mondays: From 1:00 pm. to 3:00 pm.
2. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. Telephone Number: 2959000 Ext. 9240 - Tuesday through Friday from 1:00 pm. to 3:00 pm.
4. Whatsapp: 320-7049057


The program’s clinical team is composed by:

  • Dr. Beatriz Eugenia Montoya Ortiz
  • Dr. Diego Guzmán Benedek
  • Dr. Juan José López Tamayo

  • FOUNDER: Dr. Iván Darío Serna Maya
  • Administrative Coordinator and Epidemiologist: Dra. Victoria Eugenia Restrepo
  • Liaison Nurse: Manuela Corrales González
  • Secretary: Ana Sofía Vergara Muñóz

In this space you will find information that supports the recommendations made by the clinical team, in order to guarantee the recovery of the functionality of the intervened joint.

Rating Scales

Within the program, the patient who accesses it must provide information that will allow an integral and agile assessment of the patient to be carried out at the appointment of the medical staff, for which the forms have been created as a tool that supports the definition of the procedure of patient assessment, the links of the forms are added below:

a. Oxford hip evaluation system:

- Enter the form

b. Oxford Knee Evaluation System:

- Enter the form

c. Personal history

- Enter the form

d. Our Results

- Indicators

Instructional video for patients in the joint replacement program

“Joint replacement requires a rehabilitation plan that is safe and sound. Said plan should start even before the surgery takes place and must continue for the rest of the patient’s life. It requires the adoption of safe movements, postures and positionings. You ought to remember that a prothesis or joint replacement is not like a normal joint”.

Clínica El Rosario, Center
Telephone Number: 2959000 Ext.: 9240
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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