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Services Portfolio

Healthcare services are classified based on their complexity as low, intermediate and highly complex services. Very complex clinics and the hospitals specialize in treatments and illnesses that need very specific, skilled, experienced and capable human attention put towards them, not to mention very complex and expensive equipment, also. Our services have all of these characteristics, which are carefully defined by Colombia’s legal norms, and because of that we are classified as a highly complex medical facility. It is important to comment that we do have the capacity to also provide services that are less complex. We offer services that go from external consulting (which is not very complex) to cardiovascular surgery and neurosurgery (that are highly complex).

Our clinic possesses a long list of medical procedures that it can perform that range from low to highly complex. They allow us to treat our patients within the confines of our institution, that is to say, without needing to carry them to other institutions.

The most important thing for us is that our integrated services are based on high standards of scientific quality and evidence and, above all, is humane. This sentiment is push forward from the highest positions of the institution and is aimed at delivering our added value premise: “Love that goes along with you and service that treats you”.

Emergency services available 24 hrs. a day

Our emergency services are equipped with all the necessary provisions to take care of the adults and children that need them. We are in possession of the medical technology that is essential to address urgent events and developments, supported also by a great group of diverse professionals. At the same time, all our hospital services are also capable of taking up the challenges that come with those types of events e.g. emergency surgeries.

General hospitalization (Individual rooms with and without lounges) - Tesoro Center

The hospitalization service in the Tesoro center, only has individual rooms. Our rooms meet high international standards in what relates to taking care of people in a physical environment that enables close control of risks and adverse events.

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Intensive Care Units for the Newborn

Traditionally, La Clínica El Rosario is highly esteemed for its maternity support services. In cases where the newborns are delivered with health difficulties, our Care Units are equipped with all the necessary technology and staff members to take care of any kind of complication.

Intensive Care Units for adults

These types of units specialize in every complex pathology that can affect an adult. The technology that surrounds it, like in every other Care Unit, are advanced and have as their disposal, highly trained and experienced personnel. Surgeries, cardiovascular interventions and specialized diagnostics make it so that the service bundle provided is safe and complete.

Highly complex surgery and ambulatory operating rooms

We have operating rooms that are prepared with cutting edge technology for highly complex surgeries, one of those being cardiovascular surgeries. We also possess operating rooms for every ambulatory surgery. To manage all our surgeries, we rely on our strong policies and procedures, which helps us minimize possible risks.

Pathology Services (Liquids and tissues analysis)

This service offers it support to all other medical areas by analyzing samples of liquids and tissues in order to enrich the diagnostic process of malign, infectious, or other kinds of pathologies. It possesses advanced technology and a complete team of pathologists specialized in different areas them.

Digestive Endoscopy Unit

Our service provides diagnostic and therapeutic support for all areas related to endoscopies, colonoscopies and duodenoscopies with cutting-edge technology. It also has an electrosurgical argon plasma unit and highly qualified medical personnel and nurses.

External consults by specialized doctors

The medical tower of La Clínica El Rosario has a vast variety of areas of expertise that complement the attention we give our users and amplifies our services portfolio. Currently, we keep in our institution medics that are experts in the following areas: General surgery, chest surgery, gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, neurosurgery, neurology, orthopedics, internal medicine, pediatric pulmonology, psychiatry, dermatology, urology, anesthesiology, cardiology, plastic surgery and otorhinolaryngology, among others. We can likewise offer institutional consults in what is related to: General pain and palliative care, thoracic surgery, pneumology, oncological gynecology, orthopedics and urology.

Imaging (X-Ray, ultrasound, mammography, tomography, magnetomyography)

We offer the community diagnostical support and treatments that are reliable and time sensitive. We answer our call to take care of the sick on an integral level, with high-end technology and caring and experienced employees. We offer conventional, contrasted, special and interventional radiology and multislice tomography procedures in both of our locations. In the Tesoro Center, we also have at our disposal computed tomography angiographies, which also enriches the procedures done by the the cardiology area.

Cardiac and pulmonary physiotherapy and rehabilitation

As extends from our philosophy to produce integral care for our patients, La Clínica El Rosario has this procedure at its disposal, which, in essence, assists patients in what relates to their cardiac, muscular and osseous rehabilitation. It is aimed specially at helping patients with chronic diseases in their lungs, like Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). These are programs particularly designed for these types of patients, and they are successful in reaching their recuperation and wellbeing improvement goals.

Coronary care unit

Special unit that monitors patients with cardiovascular diseases through dedicated staff members with last-generation technical resources.

Integral Oncology Unit

Clinical oncology, radiation therapy, pain relief and palliative care. Comprehensive services that provide the patient with the best possible diagnostic and therapeutic care for cancer treatment, with the latest technology available countrywide.

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Executive Medical Check

The executive check offered by La Clínica El Rosario is one of the most complete group of diagnostic exams and specific medical consults, in a way that allows it to be judged from a comprehensive vision of care: one that treats the body and the mind of women and men alike, also ranging across all different age groups. Similarly, there is the new “Infant check”, which was design specially for boys and girls of a young age (including teenagers). It focuses on detecting and preventing cardiovascular diseases from an early stage of life.

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Respiratory care

Group of respiratory care professionals that provide different medical treatments. They are in charge of preventing and taking care of cardiopulmonary pathologies in adults, to improve their health and quality of life.

Counseling center and spiritual companionship

La Clínica El Rosario, through “La Comunidad de las Hermanas Dominicas de la Presentación” and the priests’ support, carries an important legacy based on accompanying the sick, that is derived from Marie Poussepin’s heirloom. It accomplishes the objective of its institutional philosophy in respecting the values and beliefs of the patient and his/her family, while at the same time giving answers to questions about spiritual and religious matters.

For more information about our Medical Services Portfolio:

Unique telephone number for both centers: 604-444 15 55

•    Contracts and marketing: ext. 9218
•    Overall costs: ext. 9031
•    General Information, Downtown Center: ext. 9000
•    Customer Support, Downtown Center: ext. 9010
•    General Information, Tesoro Center: ext. 5000
•    Customer Support, Tesoro Center ext. 5080

Corazón Instituto Especializado

Corazón Instituto Especializado (Dedicated Cardiology Institute) is an operative and strategic area of La Clínica El Rosario. Its purpose lies in treating patients that suffer from cardiovascular diseases, making use of cutting-edge technology in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. As with all other medical dealings, it also relies on trained and experience medical professionals from the city of Medellin, Colombia – South América.

Its Offered Services:
Specialized consultation (for adults and children alike)
Non-invasive diagnosis
Interventional cardiology
Pediatric cardiology
Interventional radiology
Cardiovascular surgery
Peripheral vascular surgery
Electrophysiology (arrhythmias and pacemakers)

Found out more through:
Clínica El Rosario, Tesoro Center
Telephone numbers: 604 326 92 84 – 604 326 91 00 ext. 5801, 5066, 5831
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Learn more about our cardiology unit: Corazón Instituto Especializado

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Medical Laboratory of Reference

The “Laboratorio Médico de Reference” was created with the intention of providing an integral clinical laboratory support service to the areas dedicated to preventing, diagnosing and managing treatments.

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Hematology and Coagulation

The combination of two high-end technologies: Electrical impedance and high-resolution Cytometry of the Beckman Coulter LH 500 equipment, provides very high degrees of precision for the results of 23 hematological parameters reported in hemoleucogram. The three-dimensional VCS technology applies an algorithm to classify white blood cells according to the dispersion data provided by a laser beam. Considering the advancements in these areas, our laboratory offers in its hematology department, cutting edge technology for our patients.

On the other hand, our coagulation service researches and conducts inquiries about patients that have specific pathologies and those that have received anticoagulants. It utilizes completely automated equipment of microcentrifuge nephelometry. Adding to that, barcode and one-way data transmission technology ensures that precise results are delivered on time.

Blood chemistry and body fluids

Tests conducted to aid the process of diagnosing hormonal, oncological, metabolic and cardiac diseases. It is also concerned with the serology of infectious diseases, drugs control and reproductive health. These tests are based off on third generation equipment that makes use of amplified chemiluminescence. The use of this technology, combined with automated data communications, ensures reliable and trustworthy results.

Immunology and Endocrinology

Tests conducted to aid the process of diagnosing hormonal, oncological, metabolic and cardiac diseases. It is also concerned with the serology of infectious diseases, drugs control and reproductive health. These tests are based off on third generation equipment that makes use of amplified chemiluminescence. The use of this technology, combined with automated data communications, ensures reliable and trustworthy results.


The study of viruses, fungi, bacteria and infection-inducing parasites constitutes one of the most demanding and complex areas of a clinical laboratory, where capable human resources are the most critical aspect. Our laboratory is equipped with 2 specialized medics in microbiology and medical parasitology and 2 bacteriologists with 20 years of experience in this area. Currently, we offer a service that is highly esteemed by clinics and hospitals in what concerns the recognition and testing necessary to treat an infection.

Dedicated Vaccination Center

La Clínica El Rosario, in its Tesoro Center (in Poblado), possess a dedicated vaccination center that carefully works to protect mothers, newborns, children, teenagers and frequent travelers. We urge you to check yours and your family’s immunization schedules and update them accordingly. We are available Monday through Saturday at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 12:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Information line: 6044441555 ext. 5110 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blood Bank

Our Blood Bank has received an “A” ranking by the INVIMA. It supplies high-quality blood by making use of third generation biological testing, immunohematology procedures and column agglutination. The apheresis and patient attention programs that require periodic plasmatic replacement in order to treat specific pathologies, make up the total high complexity services provided by the Blood Bank. It also promotes and supports voluntary blood donations, for which it has stablished a club called “Gotas de vida (Drops of life)” and it is composed of voluntary donors who have committed themselves with improving the health of others.

To get more information about our Services Portfolio
Services Portfolio
Clínica El Rosario “El Tesoro” Center
20th street south No. 2 south 185
PBX: 604 444 15 55 Option No. 1 Ext.: 5133

CIMA Building
63rd street No. 41 - 27 PBX 292 07 95

Clínica del Campestre
17th street south No. 44-06 PBX: 44420 06

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