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Donations and Teamwork

“Dame tu mano” (Give me your hand)

Solidarity Network

“For the sick you will do everything that charity can inspire you to do” Marie Poussepin

Charity is the immediate response to a concrete and discerned need. Every day, people suffering from hunger, loneliness, sickness, emptiness and poverty come to La Clinica el Rosario. We also frequently encounter people that don’t have enough resources to bury their dead relatives, transport their bodies to their hometown, buy medicine that is not covered by social security, copay for medical attention, register their newborn or pay for necessary accommodation after a surgery, especially when they are from another town and have to travel at night.

It is especially delicate situation when it comes to terminal patients that require the support of their love ones but said family members are not in a position where they can afford to move temporarily and be with them. This tends to extends to patients that have survived natural disasters, have been abandoned, and to those that have been impacted by a similar tragedy.

This and many other situations require your compassion and solidarity, “Dame tu mano (Give me your hand)” and together we can bring joy and hope back to many people that need it.

Benefits of participating in this network

You will receive frequent updates about your funds’ destinations.

We will hold a weekly Eucharist to commemorate your good intentions.

Your name will be included in our list of participants of the “Dame tu mano” network, which will be display publicly in our clinic.

It will allow the word of our savior to become effective through you and your actions: “For I hungered, and ye gave Me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took Me in; naked, and ye clothed Me; I was sick, and ye visited Me; I was in prison, and ye came unto Me.” (Mat 25, 34-36)

Who is eligible to participate?

Everyone that has a kind heart and want to help those in need.

How can I participate?

The way in which you choose to help is up to you. Every little thing counts. If you are determined to participate, you can:

State how are you going to contribute to the cause:

  • By donating economic resources (one time, monthly or yearly).
  • Godfathering a patient, child or mother with a quota.
  • Doing voluntary work
  • Donating resources such as clothes, cleaning materials o learning games for children.
  1. Fill out the form shown below and send it to us. Through it, you give us permission to be called by the ‘pastoral healthcare’ personnel of La Clinica el Rosario, to set the terms of your contributions.
  2. Deposit monetary contributions in our Bancolombia bank account N°357-450514-97
  3. For more information, you can contact us at:

Centro Center: Costumer Support Office

Telephone number 2959000 Extension: 9010 ó 9112 (Pastoral Service)

Tesoro Center: Costumer Support Office

Telephone number: 3269100 Extension: 5080

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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